Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Hours

So I was in charge of planning the play date the second time around. Unfortunately, I didn't take "summer hours" into account when planning, so we ended up at Renee's house AGAIN, which I can't complain about. Makili and Remick both loved the pool and because my new friend, Beth, came along with her kids, who are the exact ages of Makili and Remick. Their names are Noah and Asa, and Asa was at the TOP of my list of names for both kids, so I sort of think that means we are automatically qualified to be friends...

Anyway, here is little Rigs again.Makili biting into a pear with gusto.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Might Just Seize Up

I am so busy at the moment (when things are supposed to be slower and more lazy!) that I might just seize up and stop functioning altogether. We had a little escape last night (pics to come) which was nice, but also learned en route to the escape that my parents are coming two days earlier than I thought. And while my parents will insist that there is no need to clean for them, who are they kidding? And two days after that Raph's brother and his family arrive, then we have the party with Lots of friends and family to prepare for the next day. I'm opening the clay studio for the next three days for my friend who is in Greece (I trying to feel really badly for her, I am), and I have to sell flowers at market tomorrow, work on Thurs and Fri. Makili is sick, Remick's getting teeth (or at least that is the excuse I am giving to the fact that he has started putting everything into his mouth again - pine cones, acorns, etc.) BUT enough of my ranting about how crazy this moment in time is. I wanted to post a few picture from our first market last week! It was so exciting. We made about $150 in our first week! We don't have huge goals for making money, but it definitely is nice to see a return on your investment of time and energy...

Here is Coralie in front of our first week's bounty! This week I'm going to take some more close-ups because they are so beautiful...
My friend Steve, our first customer, bought a "Jar of Joy" for $3.00!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sorry Makili

The power went out on Makili's birthday so I never got to blog about his birthday. My little one is THREE! That's big! He'd be the first to tell you so. This kid NEVER stops talking. On his birthday, he got to come to the clay studio with his mama and made some beautious things. We went for a bike ride. He wore his birthday crown with delight. We watched a pretty spectacular storm arrive while we were at Fort Foster. Some random thoughts in no particular order...

1. very independent: wants to get his clothes on, socks on, shoes on, etc. by himself. This can take a LONG time. If he wants to see what's happening up high, he runs and gets the stool so he can see.

2. converses with everyone, including himself. He has a lot to say and when no one is around to listen, he talks to himself and pretends to reprimand somebody, etc.

3. loves stories and is constantly asking us to tell him a story. His favorite stories are the ones in which he comes to the rescue when his naughty friend Raven does something wrong. He really likes books too and has been especially into Dr. Seuss lately.

4. Will eat ANYTHING. This kid is seriously going to drive me back to work with his eating habits. How the hell will I afford him as a teenageR?

5. Loves building with blocks more than anything but is also totally into trains (Thomas), cars (Lightning in particular). (You'd think we spent all our days watching TV and movies!)

6. Is VERY excited about riding his new bike (as pictured above) and does very well at it. Only one major spill so far and he rides long distances and up hills.

7. Loves to help me in the garden, particularly planting new plants and picking red flowers.

8. Plays often with Remick in an awesome way. The other half of the time he is pulling toys out of Remick's hand while saying something like, "It's okay - we have other toys." or "He wants all MY toys!"

9. Sleeps like a log. You seriously can't wake this kid if you try in the middle of the night. Uses the potty all the time now (except nap and night).

10. Still has funny speech patterns, which I won't even try to spell out here, but they crack us up!

And now that he is three, he is excited about his super-hero cape, which he wore berry picking yesterday. He was really a GREAT picker! He actually ate more than he picked! Definite improvement over last year!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Big Day

Blooming Fools (my new flower company) has its first market today! We're expecting thundershowers, so Coralie, my friend and I cut flowers in the dark last night. Nothing like being out in the garden with the headlamp on. It is very exciting, but also a little scary since who knows if we'll have enough or people will buy them or what! Yikes! Wish us luck.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunny Solstice

We are the top. The most light. It's all down hill from here! But boy was it an absolutely GORGEOUS day! Sunny and hot but not too humid. Raph is officially off for the summer! Woohoo! And we've been doing all the summer things: eating watermelon, gardening obsessively, swimming in cold water (Makili is SO into swimming at the moment), eating outside, etc. And we did all those things today. Today was a great day.

Friday, June 18, 2010

He walks!

I need to get the video going, but Remick started walking last night 2 days after his first birthday which is EXACTLY when Makili started walking! Uncanny!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Play Date

I have a great idea. Let's get our friend with the newest newborn to host a playdate and entertain 8 kids under the age of four! I'm sure she'd be into that, right? As it turns out, it was her idea! And it WAS great! It was a busy morning, but so fun. I hope I'll get to watch Makili grow up with these kids.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

My little one is ONE.

We passed this day
in an ordinary way.

He didn't seem to mind.

Food. Walk. Playground. Beach.
Mama. Brother. Daddy.
What more does a one-year old

I can almost not remember him
and now he can wear a 1 shirt.

He can climb, communicate
(with grunts)
melt me.

He cuddles against us.
Especially Makili.
Melts me.
Like a popsicle actually eaten
one lick at a time
(which Makili actually does)

He's blond now. Willful. Adorable.
Very ticklish.
Wants anything we have - food

Likes a joke. Chooses when to listen.
Loves balls, balloons, vrooming
the cars. SWINGS.

Goes down slides head-first
by himself. Cries.
Does it again.
and Again.
I see my Remick in this face
but can almost not remember
this face either.
My baby days are ticking away.
This also melts me.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010