So obviously I stop picking tomatoes (after the crying doesn't subside) and soothe my injured child. He wants to nurse, so I oblige right there (rather than waste the time going inside, etc.) While nursing I realize I need help and telephone good ol' Tim two miles away for some back up. Though he is in the midst of making lobster rizotto, he drops everything and heads over to help me finish picking, cover the heirlooms (who really are just getting going because we put them in late), and then frantically he follows me with bags as I fill them with swiss chard, cucumbers and basil, things I know don't handly frost well. Makili at this point has calmed down a bit, resting on the whining plateau since it is his bedtime.
Tim takes off to see that lovely Tamara, who has been working her tail of, get dinner by 8. I now just need to get everything in the house, which isn't so tough for everything just bagged, but our entire back porch is full of recently picked tomatoes too, which have been sunning for a few days. Makili has lost patience with me and heads inside, then changes his mind and tries to come back out. He opens the door, steps out, only to have the screen door close on his little leg. More crying ensues until I let him help me fill the bag, which more aptly could be described as allowing him to throw perfectly good tomatoes at me and on the ground.
After he went to bed, I stacked the least ripe tomatoes on the window sill, the rest in bowls. And as I'm doing this, it occurs to me that if it will becold enough for my tomatoes, I probably also should bring in my house plants. Those that have survived anyway. There is one big one that only Raph can carry, and so we might lost it, but otherwise, they're safe, at least from the cold. I'm still around to keep them on their toes with infrequent or too frequent water, dark corners, etc.
Oh and according to the computer the low tonight is only supposed to be 41 degrees.