The days are whipping by me lately, so full in so many way. My munchkin is officially 14 months old and both charming as hell and a little menace. Some tidbits about him.
He walks, climbs, and tries to run, regularly face plants, but never cries about it. He is suddenly very interested in rocking horses and riding vehicles. He also likes the Little Tikes slide I recently got for him at the used store.
He still nurses pretty frequently, but eats a lot as well. He'd eat anything, but LOVES watermelon, blueberries, and peaches the best. He digs carrots and potatoes too. When he is done eating he mashes his food with his hand and then throws it on the floor. Lovely. He also has a tendency to bite the tops off of avocados or cucumbers, even in the grocery store which isn't cool.
His language has made leaps and bounds lately. He signs more, milk, all done, phone, help, eat, fan, and all the parts of the "wheels on the bus." He also waves hello and goodbye and gives hugs and kisses. He tries to say balloon, blueberry, dada, dog, kitty-cat, broom, and ball. He understands A LOT! He still can sit down, lay down, go see_____, go get______, wheres?, in addition to countless random words.
He sleeps from about 8:00pm to 6:00am, and then naps for about 2 hours at some point in the day.
He loves both his grandmas a lot, but also like lots of other people. He'll pretty much go with anyone who will show him something interesting.
He loves to play jokes, or be surprised. He loves other kids and laughing at them. He also like to make huge messes. Yesterday we played 52 pick-up. He is infatuated with the vacuum and points at it with much worry, though he wants to push our broken little sweeper around a lot and is also infatuated with it.
He has just started whining a lot when he is frustrated which is a little annoying.