We left our card reader at Ann and Larry's and therefore haven't been able to download any pictures. Plus I've been busy chasing Makili around. He's getting better at walking every day. Yesterday we took him to the beach. He wanted to walk through the water forever. He was completely fascinated by the waves that kept coming and coming. We forced him to get out of the water against his will even though he was shivering. Poor kid was born in Hawaii after all. While sitting in the grass he learned to stand up on his own which he proceeded to practice over and over.
As for the garden, these picture were taken over a week ago and I swear a lot of things are twice the size now. The first pictures shows our new invisible deer fence. Seriously, you can barely see it, except when dew gathers on it. Maybe it works because the deer walk into it and that scares them? Unfortunately, the deer visited our gardens on the other side and munched one of my big tomato plants and gobbled up one of our heirloom tomatoes in its entirety. So another fence may be in the future. Right now I have the other deer deterrence system in place - lawn chairs, kids toys, and random junk. We'll see if that works. The next picture is of our magnificent cauliflower. Doesn't it look glorious? It really is twice as big now and I expect we'll be eating it before too long. And finally, my little sweet potato which is growing fast. It looks so cute and it is amazing to me how they grow. You let a sweet potato sprout and then snap off the sprout and stick it into the ground and it grows. No roots or anything. It just grows. I think that is amazing. We have planted quite a lot and we'll see how many sweet potatoes we end up with. In other news, the regular potatoes are UP (we were a little late sowing them) and peas are flowering!
Raph started his summer job last Wednesday and has been raking in the big bucs. Unfortunately he has to drive pretty far, but he's been sharing the ride with our friend Mark. Today is supposed to be really hot and beautiful so Mark's wife Lauren and I are taking the kids to the beach again. Woohoo.