Makili established himslef early as a good sleeper. Of late, that has changed, with a culminating performance last night waking up at 2:15 am. I am exhausted tonight and have never been happier to see Raph.
I had some interesting dreams lately and thought someone might be interested in interpreting them for me. In the first dream, Raph's cousin Matty was there and she was crazy, like rabid crazy, but nobody knew about it. She asked to hold the baby and I let her and she tried to throw the baby on the floor. Makili was rescued by my friend Becky and then we all stared at Matty and realized she was mad because her eyes were like glazing over and she looked like a ghost.
In my second dream, I was with my mother in a foreign country and for some reason she kept insisting that in addition to nursing Makili I needed to nurse two other older boy children, who were not my own. Only they were like 10 and I was really uncomfortable with it. I don't remember how that dream ended.
Somewhat disturbing huh? Interpretations, anyone?