Two months. Wow. It seems like forever ago that we were sitting in Hawaii waiting for a baby to come. It seems like he gets bigger all the time. I carried him around in the front carrier for a few hours today and boy did my shoulders hurt. I went back and read what I wrote at one month and I felt exactly the same way…like we’d had a baby forever already and that he was getting bigger constantly. Those things still hold but I am starting to feel like a real person again. The other night he fell asleep earlier than usual (and slept nine hours) and we put him in his bassinet. We were in the living room surfing the web, watching tv, and it was as though nothing had changed, though I did have the nagging desire to go make sure he was still breathing every half hour.
Makili is getting much more mature. He likes to try to stand, he tries to touch things with his hands occasionally, and he has really happy, smiley spells sometimes. He likes to lay on the floor and look the dangly toys in the gym that Debbie Ochs lent him. Boy does he love that. He gets all worked up and talks to those inanimate objects, laughing and cooing. It’s pretty funny actually. He’ll lay there like that for half and hour or more, happy as a clam. He has also just started to sit quietly on your lap, which is monumental. For a few minutes he’ll just sit there and soak it in. Larry constantly tells us that this is his learning time and that we should be singing the ABC’s to him every time he’s quiet like that. He’s probably right, but I don’t think it would hurt to let the kid learn to love silence too, especially since I’m not always up for singing.
Being a parent is exhausting I’ve learned. Today was Raph’s first day of work and so it was the first time I didn’t have him around, but I did have Ann so it wasn’t too bad, but I can totally imagine how incredibly draining it might be when you don’t get a break here and there throughout the day which is my near future. It might be easier if Makili would nap without being held, but so far he doesn’t go for that. You try to put him down and he wakes up and then is really pissed off that someone isn’t holding him, that he’s been duped in his sleep. Mostly though he’s turned into a pretty happy baby. He has his days where nothing is right and he’s pissed off at the world…but other days he really pleasant and fun, only squaking when there is something wrong. He LOVES to go for walks so when he’s squaking; that is our normal fix. He’ll stay asleep in that carrier forever!
I still think that there is nothing cuter than a sleeping baby. Smiling cooing baby is a close second. I can’t wait to see what comes this month. Maybe a new house? We’ll see. We've been looking but the 12 hour trips in the car are really too much for Makili (and me for that matter). We've found one we like, so we'll see...