Larry tells me that it is no accident that boys and toys rhyme. (This is really rationalization for buying cars and motorcycles and engines, etc.) Little Makili doesn't have too many toys, but he does love them. He lays under his infant gym and laughs and talks to the toys. Yesterday he talked to this little black and white cow my brother gave him for half an hour in the car. He was happy as a clam. We recently bought him this bumbo seat since he hates tummy time and we're worried he's going to damage his brain by flattening his head. He slouches a little in it still but sometimes he really likes sitting in it.
He's gotten so interactive suddenly. He'll play with me for half an hour or more sometimes. I'll move his legs around and jiggle him and he smiles and almost laughs. And when I lean over to talk to him he talks to me and watches my mouth move and talks back. So cute and so much better than crying.