Instead I did a candy hunt for some of the exchange students on Saturday. They loved it, though they missed a LOT! I'll give em a break since it was their first candy hunt. I got up at 10:30 on Saturday night to make an egg hunt for Makili and Raph, which was fun. I paid a dollar for "ball" eggs for the clue hunt. You should have seen his face when he found the first basketball egg. He was SO excited. Daddy helped him read the clues and they were all placed in places that he knew the word for like shoe, bath, crib, etc. So he found all the eggs (with help here and there)! And he got an Easter basket with art supplies and sticky letters, which he has been applying to everything. Raph got hot chocolate, which made him a happy guy too.
Then we got a brief visit from Kane and Abram and Ny, which I did take some pictures of. It was a good holiday, even if I didn't get an Easter basket or a candy hunt.