Three months of Makili
Makili is like a real person these days. He’s got lots of personality. Lots of smiles. Quirks. Talents.
He’s talkative, especially while reading him books. It’s like he’s reading along. His noise-making doesn’t sound that much different than his pre-crying, but it is definitely to get attention. We’re sitting at the dinner table right now and Raph has him in his lap and as Raph talks Makili is talking right along with him. Gurgling and ahgees and broooos and what not. So cute. A running dialogue. He also LOVES music and at times that is all that will put him to sleep. He cracks up when you make faces at him and funny noises. He loves that too.
He is spirited. Another word for strong-willed and stubborn. Just like his father. He doesn’t like to be constrained except he’s gotten used to being swaddled for sleep and really can’t seem to stay asleep any other way because as he wakes up his arms and legs flail and he can’t sleep at all when that is happening. He likes things his way. Like the his position when being rocked to sleep is very specific. Slightly wrong angle and watch out. So curious wanting to touch and see everything.
Dramatic and extreme. Boy when that boob gets yanked away a little too early, you’d think I’d yanked his arm off. Immediate and hysterical. He’s got no middle ground a lot of the time. He’s happy and cute or hysterical and a pain in the neck (like this morning when he woke up at 2:30 am and refused to go back to sleep.) He seems to be more mellow lately though, much longer happy periods, longer playing sessions. More and more smiles. He’s a pleaser.
Cuddly. I love to hug him with just a diaper on. That soft warm cuddly body is more than I can handle. And I swear he hugs me back.
Coordinated. He is making some big progress in terms of coordination. His favorite trick is to hold his fist up and stare at it, like he’s showing you. He can use his little hands with intense concentration. He can lay on his belly and hold his head up. I set him in the corner of the couch the other day while I did something and the phone rang so I ran to get it in the other room. I heard him crying and came in to find him face down on the other side of the couch. So yeah can’t leave him sitting on the couch anymore huh? He’s really been working his abdominal muscles and can pull himself forward when sitting up, which accounts for a lot of face plants on the couch since he can’t quite control how far forward he goes. He can stick his tongue out when you stick out yours. He can roll over again after a hiadus from rolling over for a little while. Maybe his head got proportionately big again. It does sort of seem big.
I can imagine spending the rest of my foreseeable life with Makili now. The interactive stage is far more fun for me and I like him more every day. He is so expressive and cute and we communicate so much better. I get him. I tell him all the time, we’re BFFs (Best Friends Forever). Lucky me.