The power went out on Makili's birthday so I never got to blog about his birthday. My little one is THREE! That's big! He'd be the first to tell you so. This kid NEVER stops talking. On his birthday, he got to come to the clay studio with his mama and made some beautious things. We went for a bike ride. He wore his birthday crown with delight. We watched a pretty spectacular storm arrive while we were at Fort Foster. Some random thoughts in no particular order...
1. very independent: wants to get his clothes on, socks on, shoes on, etc. by himself. This can take a LONG time. If he wants to see what's happening up high, he runs and gets the stool so he can see.
2. converses with everyone, including himself. He has a lot to say and when no one is around to listen, he talks to himself and pretends to reprimand somebody, etc.
3. loves stories and is constantly asking us to tell him a story. His favorite stories are the ones in which he comes to the rescue when his naughty friend Raven does something wrong. He really likes books too and has been especially into Dr. Seuss lately.
4. Will eat ANYTHING. This kid is seriously going to drive me back to work with his eating habits. How the hell will I afford him as a teenageR?
5. Loves building with blocks more than anything but is also totally into trains (Thomas), cars (Lightning in particular). (You'd think we spent all our days watching TV and movies!)
6. Is VERY excited about riding his new bike (as pictured above) and does very well at it. Only one major spill so far and he rides long distances and up hills.
7. Loves to help me in the garden, particularly planting new plants and picking red flowers.
8. Plays often with Remick in an awesome way. The other half of the time he is pulling toys out of Remick's hand while saying something like, "It's okay - we have other toys." or "He wants all MY toys!"
9. Sleeps like a log. You seriously can't wake this kid if you try in the middle of the night. Uses the potty all the time now (except nap and night).
10. Still has funny speech patterns, which I won't even try to spell out here, but they crack us up!
And now that he is three, he is excited about his super-hero cape, which he wore berry picking yesterday. He was really a GREAT picker! He actually ate more than he picked! Definite improvement over last year!