Makili and I went to the beach today for a little while, though today wasn't my best day ever. It was hot and buggy outside. Unbearable inside. It was the kind of day it would have been nice to have a friend to share the beach with. But really the sunburn factor would have been a problem. I couldn't think of any projects to work on even though I have a ton waiting for me. Makili was needy and really came close to driving me out of my mind. I accomplished absolutely nothing. The house is a mess. We've seen a few roaches in our house, which is just about the last thing I want to deal with after the mammoth variety that lived with us in Hawaii. So I set out some homemade roach traps I read about online, where you put petroleum jelly around the rim of a jar and put banana peels inside. Yeah I didn't catch one goddamn roach, but now we are infested with fruit flies. And I continue to see roaches.
So yeah, here are some pictures from our glorious day at the river yesterday. This is one of the perks from our CSA membership at Wolf Pine Farm. Nadine and the kids came for the heat relief and for something to do. You can tell she's done this before because she was wise enough to bring lots of snacks, which kept Makili and Morgan relatively happy in the car. Though I think by the time I got home I had endured a solid hour of Makili crying. You can only feed a kid so many mangoes. Anyway. It was great. And finally, the cauliflower I harvested from the garden today. Pretty delicious, and that is coming from someone who is only mildly into cauliflower. Peas are coming. (I'm keeping track of our harvest on the right side-bar incase your're interested.) Cucumbers, eggplant, beans, and tomatoes are flowering. Yes!