Saturday, May 24, 2008

On a Lighter Note...

Ignoring my outburst yesterday, I'll move right onto nicer things, like the fact that Makili is 11 months old today. Already. Unbelievable! Can you believe he'll be a year old in a month! I can't. We went up to visit Larry and Ann for the weekend and Raph has been helping out with siding the roof. Makili unfortunately has another fever, though has been pretty good-natured none-the-less.

Makili has been really into pushing his car around backwards, though he can't turn it. He pushes it from one end of the room to the other until he runs into something and then he whines until someone comes and turns it around for him. He gets into moods where that is all he wants to do. Or he'll want to try to walk back and forth between Raph and Ann over and over. He is still pretty cautious about the whole walking thing though he is definitely testing the water.
He has developed great coordination lately and wants to do whatever it is that we are doing. For example, here he is stirring . After all, he saw daddy doing it.

He's been quite the love-bug, with giant hugs all around. He'll reach for anyone that will carry him around incessantly, though he especially like to watch cooking.

Eating is officially Makili's favorite pastime. An art if you will. Bananas the preferred medium. He can down the bananas too. He freaks out when he sees them and yells "du, du,du" which means, "I want that!" If I say "Do you want a banana,?" He smiles and says "Da! Da!" which means "Yes! Yes!"

This is the "du" which I hear ALL day long. But look at those luscious lips.

And this is what you get when you don't provide wanted objects
He's been a fun little boy lately and I love him to death. I'm so lucky.

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