Friday, May 23, 2008

I'll admit it's scary

Ever since I read Collapse, I've been making a mental list of what we need to have stockpiled in our basement for when the shit hits the fan and the world starts to collapse. That book was based on environmental degradation being the cause of collapse. Today however, Larry got me started reading about Peak Oil and I'm pretty much scared to death all over again.
Here's a link - check it out: Peak Oil
Then read this: The Long Emergency

I now have a list on my computer called: Apocalypse Preparation. I'm going to start storing food in my basement tomorrow. I'm trying to address questions that I think will seriously affront ALL of us in the not-too-distant future.

How will we pump water when we don't have oil (or coal or gas) to burn for electricity?
What will we eat when we can't get grains, etc. because they are so oil dependent?
Where will I get medicine for Makili when he is sick like right now with a 102 degree fever (Nadine?)
Who will teach us to farm our land when there are so few farmers left to teach?
How will I get information about herbs, sickness, building, when the internet infrastructure collapses since it is totally energy dependent (like 10% of total energy consumption)?

The scariest part of this is that the timeline is probably much closer than I or most likely you ever thought.

Our future, MAKILI'S FUTURE, will depend on communities banding together, working together to feed themselves, keep themselves warm, protect themselves. Anyone want to move here? The house around the corner with 3 acres is for sale. Totally Farmable. Small, heatable. Well - easily pumpable with solar. Any takers?

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