Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Thus It Begins

I came home from soccer last night, and soon after I did so, Makili woke up in his room. Raph went and laid down with him, since Ann had but him to bed on the futon instead of in his crib. (These grandmas are such softies!:) Remick was in our bed, so I decided to lay down with Raph and Makili for a while. I put my hand on Makili and he was sweaty and hot, even to my touch after playing soccer for an hour and a half. Raph hadn't seemed to notice and so I got up and got the thermometer - 103.4. The last six months with no sickness have been great. I'm not sure I'm ready to enter sick season again, the time of year when we can't leave home, not even over night, without the thermometer, the tylenol, the IB Profin. The worst part is that it is probably the flu, since everybody around here has the flu these days. 25% of our local high school were absent yesterday, so I supposed it was inevitable.

We took Makili and Remick to vote here in Maine last night. I've actually found myself thrust into local politics because of some school issues in our town, but the big vote last night was whether or not to uphold the same-sex marriage law that was passed here in Maine a few months ago. I know I have several friends and relatives that might feel otherwise from how Raph and I do about this issue, and you can stop reading right now if you like, but I was sorely disappointed to read this morning that the same-sex marriage law was defeated yesterday by a narrow margin. It really bums me out. Raph and I both look at it as a civil rights issue, and I don't really care what your religious beliefs are, I don't really how you can see otherwise. I'm taking a literature class right now and happen to be reading about slavery in the early days. There were many leading writers and thinkers who were ardent abolitionists, but there were also intelligent people who advocated slavery, with various rationalizations. I think the two causes are linked. I hope one day we will find laughable the idea that we even had to vote on whether or not to allow gay and lesbian couples the rights afforded to others.

I got on this morning hoping to write an update about my kiddos since I can't even keep up with the adorable cute things that come out of Makili's mouth and Remick is getting so big, so grabby, but this is what flowed from my fingers today. I'll share one little Makilism before I tackle him with kisses. We were driving in the car the other day and the sun was shining in his eyes. He said "I don't like the sun." I replied, "I love the sun. You don't like the sun in your eyes." He thought for a second and said, "I like the sun in my mouth." So I asked him what it tasted like, and without hesitation, he said, "It tastes like yellow." Hmmm.

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