Monday, July 20, 2009

Activities Coordinator

So my daily agenda on Mon, Tues, and Thurs, typically starts with a call to Nadine, who has been officially dubbed the area's activities coordinator. Makili absolutely loves seeing her kids, and Nadine knows every playground, pool, beach, ice-cream shop, and fun location within a one-hour radius, so it pretty much works out for me to find out what they're up to. Last week we went to a fun park and these are a few of the shots from there. Today we went to a wading pool in Massachusetts, where Makili had a ball and enjoyed a very large popsicle for a very long time. His belly was stained green until he spent another half hour in the pool. Good times...

1 comment:

christie said...

I recognize those kids! Great pics! Let's convince Nadine to write a guide to all the kid activities in this area. I know I would pay top dollar for it!