Sunday, May 04, 2008

Recent Diversions.

Among the many projects we've been working on is burning the brush pile that we've been making since we moved in. It has reached sort of an epic size. So big that we couldn't burn it where it was because it was too close to the house and we were afraid of melting the vinyl siding, which Raph hates but not enough to burn. So we had to drag the big sticks one by one to another location until the original pile was much smaller and would pose a threat to our house. This kept Raph out there late into the night tending the fire, which was quite beautiful against the dusk sky.

Friday I had a Pokeeno party at my house. I'm a new-comer to the group, but I really like this group of women who get together to play a version of bingo and talk about their husbands and children and life. It was fun. They pretty much crack me up. Good times. Can't wait for more.

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