Thursday, May 08, 2008

Play Date

Quinn, who is a day older than Makili (my Laurie Giarratani if you will), and his mom came over to hang out yesterday. We've had some spectacular weather this week, even nearing 80 degrees today. As a result we got to hang out outside, which is a challenge for Quinn who likes to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. (For the record, Makili now puts some things in his mouth. Like for example, we were in the garden the other day and he sat there playing with the dirt, happy as a clam, for about 15 minutes. I then looked over and saw some dirt around him mouth. "What did you eat?" I asked him. I went and jammed my finger in his mouth and to my horror discovered a llama terd (part of the manure my uncle the llama farmer sent our way.) First coffee burns, now llama poop. What is next?)

Any way we had a great time. Quinn and Anna just moved here from New Mexico and have been adjusting to the winter much like us. I hope we see more of them.

While they were here, our awesome neighbor Steve came over and used his tractor to get rid of the grass so that we can put our garden in. Yahoo! We've have made so many changes to our yard - I can't wait to post before and after pictures!

And of course the mandatory Fort Foster walk.

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