Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What I Imagined

I've said before that when I was pregnant I really couldn't conceptualize having a baby. I was very absorbed in the pregnancy but I really was truly unprepared for the actual baby part. Now however, we've arrived at the time where Makili is the baby I think maybe I imagined. The last 6-8 weeks have been awesome. Every day, every week he is more playful, interactive, smart. He's fascinated by everything, able to do so much, and growing too fast.

He's a highly adept crawler. When he turned 8 months old, I though he was on the cusp on walking. He has pulled up on furniture for a long time and cruised around for a long time too, but once crawling became efficient for him, forget it. He zips around
the room, over obstacles, pushes open doors. Maybe he won't walk too soon. Who
knows. Why walk when you can get everywhere crawling?

Raph hasn't been at work this week which has been truly blissful. I enjoyed the last week SO much- between my parents visit, Raph's time off, absolutely idyllic weather, Makili consistently sleeping all night.

Raph puts Makili to bed every night, and the last few days he's been putting him down for naps too. Yes, I realize I'm in trouble when Raph goes back to work, but he's just so good at it. It takes him half the time it takes me! I am so thankful that MAkili is sleeping through the night. It makes life so much better. I have a few hours to get things done, still get at least seven straight hours of sleep, wake up and bring Makili to bed to snuggle with us first thing in the morning. It has been wonderful.

He's such an inquisitive little boy. He wants to look in everything, open every door, investigate the nuances of each curve, crack, and hole. He has his father's focus too, concentrating on things for what seem like an eternity to me. He is relatively independent (if your in the room), easily amused, and everyday more interactive.

He points to show you where to go.

And shows you his treasures.

And LOVED spending time with his grandparents.

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