Monday, March 24, 2008

Nine Months Already

and what a nine months it's been. We've opened a new page recently. All of sudden, Makili is big. Today for example I learned that he can crawl up stairs. I blame his buddy Morgan for that one. Bad influence. I was astounded nonetheless! Everyone says he's going to walk soon, but we'll see how soon. He definitely has gotten into crawling and will crawl anywhere to get to me. There is no such thing as private bathroom time, a quick escape into the kitchen to get something done. I have a baby hanging on my pants and collar of snot and drool pretty much at all times.

But this growth is coming through in all sorts of ways. He opens every door, has long spells of independent play, wants to sit at the table at meal time with everyone else, pretends to laugh (sounds more like coughing) so that you'll laugh too, is just so darn interactive it is amazing. He likes to turn pages, open boxed, remove parts, hold things. He loves eating, whether it is him or anyone else. We have just started some solid foods - apples, bananas, carrots, and pears. Boy does he dig it! Giving him a piece of an unpeeled banana is quite an entertaining thing. He'll sucks the banana right out of the middle and won't remove it from his mouth until every fleshy banana speck is either in his mouth or on him.

The warmer weather certainly makes him happy too. He loves to be outside, and I've even gotten to the point that I'm letting him crawl around a little out there, getting those fleeces dirty... He has some of his grandpa genes...the way he was shutting his eyes and tilting his head back to suck in the sun...DST (Direct Sun Time) When my Dad would come to Hawaii he would insist on certain amounts of DST.

And then there's the whole cuteness factor. For example, look at his green eyes. Have you seen anything to cute. I am really into this age - have been loving it. He has been sleeping better (bed at 7:30, one crying session for 15 min. around 11:00, then sleeping to 4:30, nurse, sleep with us until wake-up at 6:30-7:00.), he's been playful (first we learn to walk, then we learn to trot...a favorite), he sucking in everything - i see his brain working learning how to interact, learning words. He's been snuggly, sweet, and funny. His sense of humor has really blossomed! He laughs if I wear sunglasses, a towel on Raph's head, if I talk funny. I am so lucky to be able to be home with him.

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