Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I substituted yesterday and Ann came down to watch Makili. After school, as we were waiting for Raph, Ann I were talking about how he hasn't quite seemed himself in the last few days..."It seems like something is hurting him," I said. "Yeah, and he chewed on that pacifier all day today!" Ann pointed out. We went on listing how he didn't sleep well last night, but slept a lot today, how he seemed cranky, etc. Then Makili took a break from nursing to smile at Ann and imply "ha ha I got the boob!" And when he did that, guess what I saw...a new tooth coming in! Oh! Then it all made sense.

We've been letting him chew on apples and bananas, both of which he loves. Apples now have to go in the net munchkin thing (an appreciated gift from Kate, Guy, and Elio), because he is good at chomping off chunks that are just the size to choke on... Yesterday we set up his high chair (complements of the Crawfords!) so that he could sit at the table with us. He LOVED it!


Kate Winslow and Guy Ambrosino said...

Oh, geez, I've already forgotten all about the era of the mesh food bag! Glad you're getting some use from it--Elio loved his.

thebellgirl said...

Blayne, the kitchen table photo reminds me of the nook in your parents' house, with the close-up carrot picture in lieu of the flowers!