Monday, March 10, 2008

Defining Work

So I think I might have gotten some relatives worried with my recent posts, but don't worry, I'm not going to take a walk off a short bridge any time soon, and I haven't entertained any thoughts of dropping Makili off on a stranger's stoop. I like to vent in my down moments. I've been having a lot of good moments too, even while working. I babysit for three really cute kids two days a week. Today I took them and Makili on a walk at the "wiggly bridge." It was beautiful and was able to take some shots of the kids, though Makili was in the backpack and therefore missed out on all the photo shots.

Happy-Go-Lucky Morgan

Sam the Linguist, the Creator, the Romantic

Jack the Lover, the Leader, the Loyal

The scene - the woods, with sticks and sunlight

Mom showed up so we spent some time throwing sticks into the water and watching them float by...

Then we headed into the sunset. Even Ann made it. Great day!


thebellgirl said...

The picture of Morgan in the woods is fabulous.

Glad to hear your spirits are bouncing back--no doubt that venting is a useful activity!

Thinking of you,

Baby Bird said...

awesome pictures. i bet the mom will be so happy to get copies! i like the kids titles.

Anonymous said...

what great pictures Blayne! Motherhood is such a journey isn't it? Do you remember me asking, "Do you think you can handle four children????". I must say, you do way more than handle, you have completely embraced it for what it is - the wonderful, the frustruating, and the "oh my gosh, I can't wait to get home". Thanks for all that you have done for us!