Monday, December 24, 2007

Six Months Eve

On the eve of Christmas, my little elf hits six months - a strangely standout non-momentous hallmark of babyhood. It is impressive how far he has come indeed! Never having been around small babies before, these first six months have been amazing for me. Who knew that babies started so small, learned so fast, or engulfed your heart so completely?

He is so cute sometimes I think he needs a soundtrack to play in his presence.

Makili is a master of many things – standing while holding fingers, throwing spoons (his preferred toy), screeching in joy, nursing, rolling over and over and over, bathing, tearing up paper, stealing hearts with HUGE smiles. He has an impressive attention span – sometimes playing with random things, like the frayed strings on our upholstered chair, for 20 minutes or more. He is still working on crawling. Suddenly he goes backwards quite efficiently and can do circles on his belly. As soon as he figures out how to go forwards, we’ll really be in trouble. He’s also making headway learning to fall asleep on his own. We’ve made a lot of progress in the last week and a half towards having him get tired, laying him down with his wubbanub, watching his drift off to sleep peacefully without crying or screaming or being rocked. Big improvement. Unfortunately, this has not transferred into our nighttime routine. I think he’s now sleeping worse than ever before. But we have been traveling a lot and have disrupted his routine a lot.

His day is basically a steady rhythm, the basic beats – a smile, a stand, a snack, a grab, a nap, a snack, a shriek, a toy, a meal. Pretty lovely.

I can't seem to come up with much else to say. What else is there to say? He is irresistibly cute - so much so we get accosted on the street daily by admirers.

I'm looking forward to seeing the second half of his first year. His first steps, his first words, his laughter, all of it...I feel blessed to share my life with him and Raph. Merry Christmas to all of you and thank you for spreading your love our way.

Oh and he has a pretty killer babyhawk these days.

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