Friday, June 29, 2012

Give a boy a pulley...

 One day with Makili in Home Depot, he became obsessed with the clothesline pulleys we saw.  That is just the sort of thing that he latches onto.  So I bought him two nice $3 pulleys for his birthday.  Which of course produced the accompanying obsession with where to put it and "will you please hang it NOW!"  I really am too short, so I put Raph on the job.  Next thing I knew, he had chopped down trees to make a 2-level tree fort, because according to him, "there wasn't another place that it made sense to use the pulley."  Makili now can use his "crane" to get things into the (totally unsafe and a insurance liability) second floor, which happens to be where he spends ALL his time now.  Unfortunately, I gave him two pulleys and he just found the second one.  I hope that doesn't lead to a another floor!

1 comment:

laura m. said...

that's funny!