Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think today we're finally done timing the tylenol and ibuprofin and on to other things, like stacking wood and getting some house projects done. Yesterday, I waxed our floor tiles with paste wax and then Raph cut them and put them down. Unfortunately I woke this morning with a wicked headache from the fumes. So we've moved onto trying some eco-friendly stuff instead. Why we didn't do that in the first place is a good question. We're going to try to get the barn wood floor down in our bedroom this week too! We even have window trim up in that room! Progress - slow but steadyish.

I found my loves sleeping together at nap time the other cute.And tell me he isn't the cutest little thing ever.
We spent the 40+ degree day today stacking wood. And I have to say I enjoyed it.

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