Friday, January 21, 2011

Thank you husband

This time of year I have a tough time. I know I should take the kids outside everyday, but it is such a struggle. I can get past all the snow gear (we seem to have that figured out) but once we're outside, Remick pretty much cries the whole time and Makili loves it for about 10 minutes, but the snow is so deep he can barely play in it outside the driveway, and while I'd love some exercise, I can't really do much with the two of them when I'm home by myself. So this a long drawn-out way of saying of excusing myself for doing other things. Mostly curling up by the fire and immersing myself in work, which is plentiful right now.I have my little "helpers" in the kitchen.

And we come up with really quality projects:
But today, being the third snow day in the last 8 days, I allowed Raph to coerce me into dragging the kids on a snowshoe adventure. We went showshoeing last weekend on a trial basis just to see how I liked it - this being the first year we both had snowshoes. It was a little different towing children while snowshoeing not only because of the added work and weight but also because of the non-stop crying from a certain little one who is a bit neurotic about snow touching him. Makili thought being towed around on his carriage was great and would have kept going all day except for his "pants sticking to his butt." And now that we've adequately recreated for the day (weekend, month) I'll feel okay about hiding by the fire for the rest of what appears to be a frigid weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THAT is why I live in California...was out raking pine needles in a tee shirt today...if we want the snow, we drive just an hour!
I love your pictures and perseverance...and totally agree that hibernating by the fire is the ONLY answer in your weather.
Reminds me of home...fires and football.
You are the BEST!!
Love ya, sis.