Friday, December 17, 2010

Occupancy Permit in HAND~!!!

That's right we're moving home! And maybe I'll even post some pictures soon!

Remick only fell down our new stairs once yesterday:( and we had a nice family dinner of veggie dogs around our working wood stove (our only heat source aside from space heaters.) Even though the flooring is a work in progress as is the tiling and there's not a speck of trim on any window or door (actually there are only two doors at the moment), our team of generous family and friends accomplished an incredible amount in two months. Our house is going to look SO COOL!

So thank you.

to Larry - with the master plan who spent endless hours at my house
to Joe - who makes Makili beyond happy by installing his favorite aspects of the house - the potty and lights!
to Craig - for being willing to do all the stuff that nobody else wants to do but needs to be done
to Ann and Gina and Grammy - for watching the kids countless hours so that Raph and I could work, and for cooking us yummy treats, and doing our laundry!
to Opa and Grammy - for financing part of the project!
to Matty - for helping me pull nails and collect barn boards
to George and Nicole - for helping on so so many occasions
to Tim - for helping in the home stretch!
to Brett - for his current help on the kitchen island
to Mark and Isaac - for helping at crucial points
to Tim Gallagher - for awesome barn boards and lots of free trim
to the Rees clan - for volunteering for clean-up duty, babysitting and helping with the roofing!
to the Fullertons, Sally, and Tim and Tamara - for generously sharing your houses with us at important times!
to Jason - for helping out on his vacation
to Emma - for painting prowess and architectural insight
to Gardiner - for supplying heaters and other needed things!
to George Whitney, Brian and Gardiner - for affidavits that allowed us to get our entryway approved~!
to Nadine - for babysitting services - ever so important!
to Shipp and Brian - for donating tools and supplies
to Grace and Gina and Matty - for sharing your menfolk!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! You all deserve really awesome Xmas gifts, but we're out of money, so I promise to make you something really cool:) as soon as I have time! Seriously though, my gratitude is not expressible. I only hope all of you will make use of our house when able and know that we couldn't have gotten to this point without you.


Emma said...

oh, hooray!!! i was just this minute wondering if the goal had been met - i'm so happy it has :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats sis.

Anonymous said...

So happy for you to be "going home". have a wonderful holiday with your boys...