Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Playing With Zoey

Makili had a playdate with Zoey last weekend at Grandma's. Since then Zoey has gotten confident enough to walk on her own, even though she was plenty able before, as long as there was a finger to hold onto! What a cutie.
Makili tried and tried to throw his ball at the ceiling which cracked him up. And it cracked Grandma up too. Actually it was pretty funny.
Zoey makes some pretty silly faces...
Everybody got tossed around a little bit.


Baby Bird said...

i love the photo of ann and makili laughing...he's such a sweet potato! thanks for the playdate :)

Winter said...

Can Makili come to Montana and teach Mila how to walk too!! She wants to so badly. I keep telling here she is way too young, but she doesn't seem to care.