Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So we're back in Kittery for a brief interlude before we head off again later this week. We're headed to Rhode Island to see friends and celebrate the big 3-0! Then we're off to the Matty's to see incoming exchange students, Raph will teach soccer to middle school students, and Ann and i will make pickles, pectin, and pesto. Mmmm.

Our brief time here will be busy. Today we started the monumental hill of yard tasks ahead of us. Weedwacking, mowing, weeding, staking, picking, pruning, etc. And horror of all horrors, I found a HORNWORM! I HATE hornworms. not only do I hate how they eat my tomatoes, but I HATE to touch them, so plucking the gigantor off my little tomato plant required some serious resolve. Now I'm paranoid they're everywhere, because the sucker I pulled off today was BIG! Tomorrow I will train Tamara on how to find them, because someone has to stay on top of them for the next 10 days or my bounty of tomatoes will be ruined!

Makili has been a complete doll lately. He is really into shoes and kissing at the moment. We actually put his shoes on him for the first time (extended) today. He loved it. He wanted them off and on and he prefered the pair which looked a bit big to us. When he took his shoes off, he still walked like he had them on, which made us laugh. We went to Marshall's last night so Raph could look for a new pair of flip flops, since I broke his playing basketball at the reunion. Raph tried on about 20 pairs, and Makili was right there with him trying to get his feet into the giant flip flops. Today he tried to put Tamara's crocs over his shoes. So cute.

His big cousin, Jenna, taught him how to kiss and he has been at it a lot since then. In fact, when he opened up his picture book and saw Jenna's picture, he immediately kissed it. Now he wants Raph and I to kiss all the time (poor me!). He just sits there and signs more over and over again. And then when I ask for a kiss, he'll open his mouth and "kiss" me, which half the time means my whole nose goes in his mouth. His cuteness is seriously killing me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am getting in my car right now and driving to Maine for a Makili kiss!!!! okay, well maybe not right now, but soon....