Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wild Ponies Attack

Wild Ponies are the attraction at Assateague National Seashore in Maryland.  Extremely beautiful shore, wild and rugged.  I'm not so sure about sharing the beach with the horses.  I mean, it isn't that I mind sharing, but the poor horses get mobbed by crowds the whole time and don't get left alone.  Plus there's the poop all over the beach factor.  So yeah I was feeling sorry for them until they stormed out beach set-up and tried eating our trash and taking the neighbors newspapers,etc.  The life-guard shooed them away ultimately, and in fact I missed the excitement as I was in the bathroom.  But everybody else got the extra close-up view.


Anonymous said...

Casey says, "I want to be there playing with you guys and seeing the pretty ponies. Brittany, I cried to day because I miss you and Austin so much. I wish I could see you but I do like seeing the pictures of you."

Love, Love, Love

beckarecka said...

Assateague is a great place! Lots of fun memories of camping there as a kid. LOVE the picture of Makili in the high chair!

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the high chair picture -- what a flirt!
