Friday, July 18, 2008

Cobbler Season is Upon Us!

Yeah it's a season for me. Truly. I. Love. Cobbler. Blueberry cobbler. Blackberry Cobbler. Peach Cobbler. Especially peach cobbler. It had it's debut today. We picked six pounds of blueberries this morning at Salt box Farm. And I made a batch of blueberry jam for my dad for his birthday. (Sorry I'm ruining the surprise dad. ) And then I made two cobblers. One to share with my cousin's girlfriend's Romanian family who are here visiting. And the other just for me. My precious. My delicious. I made one cobbler with the tried and true recipe from Ann, and the other was an experimental version from here. (I altered by the way though and put the fruit on top instead of on the bottom. I recommend this.)

Give it a try. We also picked raspberries this week. Unfortunately, we were a bit late for peak raspberries and it was a LOT of work. I was on my knees for an hours crawling under bushes looking for those dang berries only to hear ladies around me talking about how they were dripping off the branches last week. Damn. Anyway, I've decided that raspberry jam is my new favorite. And since this was the first batch of jam I ever made all by myself, I named it "Solo Jam." Naming jam is, in my opinion, half the fun of making jam.

I guess in addition to cobbler season, canning season is officially upon us. I've also been freezing this year. I have a lot of frozen rhubarb, some kale, and I'm going to try freezing some squash in the not-too-distant future, since we will soon be up to our eye-balls in them. The tomatoes are growing like nuts too. I just found that the tomato cage I put on the biggest plant is not holding and tomorrow I'll have to do something about that. Now if some of them would just go ahead and turn red. The deer mowed down my swiss chard in the flower garden, where there is no fence. I thought that the motion light would keep them away, but apparently, it wasn't on. Oh well, it will be mature soon in the other garden.

1 comment:

beckarecka said...

IT sounds like you are having so much fun! I can't quite find my groove this year yet. I've been washing and eating lettuce, freezing all kinds of berries...but thank god we don't have anything to be canned yet...I'm not quite excited yet. I am definitely going to try jam this year! Blackberries should be perfect within the next week or so!