Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting away from me

What can I say? It is summer. And while I'm loving the sun and the water and the wind, I've been feeling a little down lately. Overwhelmed and bored simultaneously. I think I'm ready for date night or something. Some time alone maybe. Today was a little better, but yesterday I seriously almost lost it. The truth is I need some more big projects like the garden. There is only so much weeding and watering a girl can do. I need to be busy because sitting around playing with Makili all day is making me nuts. I of couse love it part of the time, but he's getting more independent every day and I usually have a little bit of time, but nothing to do with it except quilt. But I want to be outside, doing some thing physical. We helped my cousin and his girlfriend rearrange their furniture and Raph and I played in a pretty great pick-up soccer game this weekend. That was good stuff. I don't know. Maybe my normal hormones have just started circulating again or something. My body is in culture-shock, like being thrown into a foreign country. I'm rambling and I know it.

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