Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Things We Do At Grammy's House Part II

Makili's first birthday celebration happened - a surprise for Makili and Grammy and I.  The Giarratani's invited us over under the pretense of a coffee, but instead they had a birthday cake and gifts.  A main reason for the brithday extravaganza is that Makili and Frank are birthday buddies, that is they share the same birthday.  In reality, he couldn't share a birthday with a nicer guy.

Cathy was VERY excited about this super-cute horse that she gave to Makili.  For his part, Makili was also interested for a little while, but I'm sure his interest will grow as he does.

We've spent a lot of time eating at Grammy's this week.  New foods include watermelon, peaches, blueberries.  Yummy stuff.  Makili really likes watermelon and I'm convinced it's because it runs ALL OVER HIM.
And Makili got his first piano lessons.  No complaints there either.  Aside from playing in the dirt, climbing the carpeted stairs, cruising the room with the neighbors walker, the piano is right up there at the top of the list for his preferred activities.  What a luck kiddo.  (And what a lucky mom who got to be a lazy mom all week!)

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