Thursday, June 26, 2008

Makili's Magic Shoes

So my sister gave Makili these really cool shoes for his birthday. And even though it was pretty hot today I couldn't resist making him wear them. And then we were at Rumble Tumble with the kids I babysit and I was holding his arm as he walked across the room. I realized that I was in fact not actually helping him so I let go and he walked clear across the room! And then he did it again and again! Yes that's right, Makili walks! (I'll post a picture of the magic shoes and hopefully a video of the act soon - hard to videotape and egg on his walking at the same time!)

Here it is. You may be seeing this before Raph, who is still in Boston!


Baby Bird said...

yay makili!!!

Unknown said...

i was playing the video in my office and everyone came in to see what i was "oooing and awwweing"---Makili's famous at Enterprise! he's so freakin cute!!