Sunday, May 18, 2008


Raph's cousin Sarah and her husband Eric came to visit, while there were in town for a wedding. I had only met her once briefly and Raph hadn't seen her for years, so it was fun to get together and get to know them a bit better. Sarah LOVED Makili. He liked her too, but especially her bracelet. I think Sarah may have caught baby fever. Eric too liked the baby quite a bit.

In addition to welcome visitors, we're also now "home" to a pair of swallows, who will just not take no for an answer. We have been hosing off their nest and putting things in the way of their nest for a few days now. It does not seem to be working, though they did move their nest down the hall, so that it isn't right outisde the back door, but above our bedroom window instead. Raph and I decided we don't actually mind as long as they won't be leaving a big pile of poop on the deck and we won't be scaring them off once the babies are born. I've named them Shirley and Simon. They are quite tame. We're hoping they keep the bug population down and don't dive bomb our heads once the babies come (thats what the bluebirds used to do when I was growing up.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great to finally meet you guys. Makili is very cute and a lot of fun. We hope you come visit us in DC soon.

P.S. If you get the chance, I'd love to get the recipe for that delicious waffle batter!
