Saturday, May 31, 2008

Frequent Flier

Makili gets around.  Seriously.  This kid has been places.  We made our way to Pittsburgh on Wednesday.  Makili was awesome, sleeping on both flights and being generally amicable all around.  We had to leave the house at 4:00am to catch the flight and I think he actually liked being woken up because he smiled at me the whole drive there - a drunk happy smile, like "I don't know why I'm happy, but I am."

Makili thought the airport was great.  All the people and the long cruising opportunities.  He wasn't worried about laying all over the dirty floor or trying to grab other people's trash.  That was me.

Once arriving at Grammy's house, he had to check everything out and see how it worked.  He quickly latched onto Grammy who he realized would carry him around and show him stuff.  

He even helped her make coffee.
He has also spent some time playing with next door neighbor Elena, who clearly has a mind of her own and decides what to do with her time.  She is not so fond of my dad and quickly decides it is time to leave when he appears.  That whole waving the arms making funny noises thing will do it I guess.  

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