Sunday, April 13, 2008


I know I've been going kind of crazy with the photographs lately, but I really can't help it. So much I like, that I just have lost the editing ability. I can't. I look at my blog as a photo journal and I just don't want to forget any of these images.

We had a fabulous trip. Short and sweet. Thank you Matty for buying us tickets! Thank you Emily for saving the day with the car!!!! (I won't go into the long story of multiple shuttle rides to shady, hole-in-the-wall car rental dealerships, inadequate insurance policies, lack of car seats, etc except to tell you that my cousin Emily saved the day with her Enterprise connections. It pays to know people in high places sometimes!) Thanks you Jason and Deanna for cooking and entertaining and sharing your pool. Thank you Gabe, Laura, and Gabrielle for moving back to the mainland (and cooking, etc. too). We can't wait to see more of you. One of these days Gabrielle won't be able to outrun Makili any more and she'll just have to put up with his kisses like the rest of us.

Larry started calling Makili "slimer" because he has a tendency to slime you. Like cover you in drool and boogers. Yum. Gabrielle on the other hand is all dainty lady-like cuteness. I can't wait to see them grow up together.

Here are the four generations of Mattys. Great-grammpy (Rudy), Paka (Larry), Dad (Raph), and Makili. So lucky.

And our trip to the beach today. God Makili was completely in heaven. Crawled like a mile. Stood in the water. Chased the sandpipers. Ran sand through his fingers. I was near tears watching how much fun he had. Uh.

Can you see my new teef?

This picture is so damn cute I had to go over-board and blur the edges to romanticize it even more! But I mean come on. Have you ever see anything so damn cute?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like the B&W and comp on this one! Good job Blane, do enjoy looking at your continued photos.

Auntie Cindy