Friday, April 04, 2008

Days Pass

I've been pretty busy lately and the days have been zipping by. Raph has been taking the computer to finish grades so I haven't had the luxury of endless computer time. Between babysitting, which has been fabulous in the nice weather, cooking, my book group, making posters for the toy sale at the Family Resource Center, looking for host families for exchange students (my part time job), I have been feeling comfortably challenged to get things done. We were supposed to have people over for dinner tonight and I anticipated cooking all day, but that planned changed this morning. Makili has been sleeping GREAT - like through the night for the last week. Last night however, he didn't sleep so hot, woke up early this morning and we couldn't get him back to sleep so Raph got up with him so I could get some rest (my book group had me out until 11:30 last night). And then he went down for his morning nap, which lasted close to three hours, but woke up with a fever. Since our friends also have little ones, we decided that maybe it wasn't a good idea. Which honestly means a relaxing night for me.

Tonight is the sort of night I wish we had a TV. I would love to stare at a screen and veg out. I feel really good about not having a TV in our house and truly feel it is good for kids to be without, but occasionally I want to be passively entertained. I'll probably read instead, since I happen to be reading Beyond the Rainbow Bridge which is about Waldorf education and preaches the no-TV theme anyway. Maybe that will make me feel better about the fact that I'm reading instead of staring at a screen, which is what I would rather do.

Makili has been doing great, aside from the horrible burn, the fever, the splinter from the deck yesterday, etc. We apparently can't feed him enough. He seriously would eat forever. He has never said "enough," but begs for more no matter how much we give him. He is very interested in laughter lately. He has this fake laugh, similar to a cough. He'll look at you with light in his eyes and do his laugh-cough until you laugh, which of course makes him laugh for real and back and forth and on and on. Could be worse. Oh and he is also interested in rock climbing (see below).

This is the Perkins family, who will be hosting an exchange student next year. We had a good time at their farm on Wed. Makili was interested in Bud and Ginger, the horses even though it was bitter cold in the wind.

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