Wednesday, April 16, 2008

30 Days of Photos: Day 30

And the winner of the comment contest is: Laurie. There were a total of 52 entries, and Raph was my witness and name picker. He watched me write all 52 names (well really only like 22 names) on pieces of paper, fold them. Laurie, I'll need an address...

For the record Anna left by far more comments than anybody, so she will recieve a consolation prize as well.

I loved reading all of your comments. When I went back to count, I found a few new comments, some from friends I hadn't heard from in a while. What a treat. I love knowing who reads my blog and what your thoughts are. I've gotten really into this blogging thing. I'll probably do another contest, so stay tuned. (I've got to make a package first!)

This was also the last day of my 30 Days of Photos project and to be honest I'm ready to set the camera down for a few days. Some days it was a bit exhausting to worry about what picture I would post from that day, especially on days when I just didn't feel in that "there's a shot" kinda way. Whew. I'll probably repeat this project again, but not too soon.


Anonymous said...

NO way!!! I NEVER win contests! I'm so excited and going to email you now with my address. Maybe this'll be the start of a new lucky that will hopefully keep me away from the hospital for awhile;)

Baby Bird said...

i just like to leave you comments because it's fun and i can relate most of the time! but getting a prize is definitely cool :)