Saturday, March 29, 2008

Free Time / Teaming Up

Nadine's husband is away for the weekend and Raph has a huge paper due on Monday for his UNH class, so Nadine and I decided to get out together today with the kids and hit a hike. Yes we have snow again even though it had all just melted at our house, but that made for good mud play. It was pretty cold, but the blue skies are hard to argue with.

Then they came over for pizza. When I invited them, Nadine said "Sure, but we don't tread lightly." When we were kids, our family friends, the McNeishes, would come over. We referred to them (5 children) as the swarm because there was a flurry of activity and mess that sort of followed them around. We have a picture of Sue and Larry, the parents, kissing in our living room, and a completely blurry mess of kids and toys flying around their perfectly in focus kissing moment. Having the kids in our tiny little house sort of reminded me of that. Jack was going from room to room inspecting our things and most likely looking for candy. Sam was running in circles and being a snake on the floor while Morgan was climbing any chair she could find. And we were busy making the homemade pizza while Makili was crying for pear in his high chair. It was fun though I did feel the same sort of sense of forgotten calm that would follow the swarm's visits when they left. Good day.

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