Sunday, February 10, 2008

Busy Weekend and the Afterbath

We ventured up to the Raph's parents house to celebrate his mom's birthday this weekend. Lots to do. So much to do, Makili felt like sleeping was a waste of time. Oh well. We had cake with Ann and her twin brother George.

Makili spent some time trying to wake up Grandpa from his naps, while being egged on by Uncle Abram and Aunt Ny, who is also pregnant.

Aunt Gina brought three of her five lap dogs over (Yes she admits to being the crazy dog lady.) She is working on trying to convince us to take a dog home, which has been easy to resist thus far, though in the future Makili might throw some fits, because he really likes those little dogs.

Makili was lucky enough to inherit some toys from the Burns', whose kids came caroling the last time we were there. What a lucky boy!

This picture was from our house, the afterbath. I think the mess surrounding the quiet moment is pretty representative.

We finished our weekend with our participation in the Maine Democratic Caucus, which I intend to report on further. It was quite an experience...

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