Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Padded Room?

Things with Makili have changed really fast. I remember the first few times he fell and bonked his head. I freaked out and yelled at Raph, who was of course at fault. I think he must have fallen at least a dozen times today. He is just not content hanging out playing with toys. To be honest, it is completely exhausting. Like there are things I want to get done. I put him in his crib to play for a little while today while I was reading some stuff in the same room. The crib is safe. He pulls himself up on the side and makes noise and smacks his hand on the side and what not. So I'm doing my own thing and he's happy and then all of a sudden he lets out his, "that hurts a lot" scream. I look up and he's standing there. His feet, arms and legs aren't twisted through the slats. So I'm like, "what is the deal?" Then all of a sudden blood comes oozing out of his mouth! Shit!! I of course freaked out. I guess he bit his lip or hip it on the side of the crib or something. There wasn't anything sharp, so I don't really know what the hell he did, but I mean come on. I can't even leave him alone in the crib for christ's sake! He was over it in like a minute, but I don't think I'm over it yet.


Mommy Jyoti said...

I remember going through that phase with my daughter. We removed a lot of tables around the house during that time. No sharp corners!

beckarecka said...

I have a surprise for you...visit my blog to see....