Friday, November 02, 2007

Sally saves Halloween

So we have a new house and bought candy and were all excited about handing out treats to Trick-or-Treaters. So I went out to the mailbox on Halloween afternoon to inquire from a neighbor about when the festivites would begin and how many kids we should expect. I didn't want to be the new neighbor without enough candy for all the kids. Boy was it a let down when he told me "trick-or-treating was yesterday. the kids don't do it around here." I thought that was the end of Halloween and I was sure bummed cause Makili wasn't going to get to wear his frog costume and Raph would gain ten pounds from eating all the candy.

Sally called and came to the rescue. "Come to the parade with me," she said. "The Halloween parade in Portsmouth." I'll tell you in all honety that it was the best parade I've ever seen. Exactly what a parade should be. No organization. Anyone who wanted to be in the parade could. Fabulous costume - a real halloween dedication. Ninja Raph and frog Makili were a hit. Lots of random strangers asking for their photo. Makili is that cute.

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