Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Razor sharp and rolling

After much anticipation and lots of drool, Makili cut his first tooth on Saturday. Now if you stick your finger in his mouth, he will promptly bite it, which is annoying because that little thing is razor sharp. He seems to have another coming in close behind. We’ll see.

Makili mastered rolling from his back to his belly this week. I watched him practice for over half an hour on Monday, almost making it, but getting an arm stuck underneath him. Then suddenly he did it and then did it again and again. Now he seems utterly mobile. We were laying in bed this morning playing (or me trying to convince him it wasn’t time to nurse yet. The phone rang and it was Raph needing some information that he hadn’t brought to school. So I went into the other room to answer it since that is where we get the best reception. When I came back MAkili had rolled clear to the other side of the bed and was dangerously close to falling off. I swear I wrote about learning this lesson months ago. Now I really mean it. The kid is dangerously mobile! We gotta get those socket covers in place NOW.

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