Friday, August 31, 2007

Too cute

I continue to be a giant sucker for this big smile. Raph is already teaching him to like things with motors.


Eileen said...

Aloha No "Dear Matty Ohana",
I must say, Makili has grown so fast...he is a splitting image of both of you. Eh, there is such a thing as "Child Labor Laws", (watch out for the feds...)How are the three of you doing? Adjusted to the homestead yet? The islands are calling you back home>>>Hui~Anyway, had a few minutes before I go over to the gym and get my child (she's on the Pahoa Volleyball team, again-Varsity Setter)tomorrow is the first home game of the season, starts @ 10:00 a.m., I'm excited. We will let you folks know the status. Gotta pick up the keiki before she has her folks take care. A Hui Hou!

hippiepotomus said...

We miss Hawaii...tell everyone we say hello!

Dara808 said...

Hi there Matty family!.

Sorry if you're getting this in duplicate. Anyways, Makili is getting so big. Time really flies. This is an exciting time for you all, cause he's probably getting a kick of all of the scenery & sounds around him. Soon he'll be crawling, walking, talking. My baby is walking already, believe me I didn't expect to be rearranging my house and putting things up this early. I'm like slow down baby let me enjoy your every move. Keep taking pictures and jotting down all of his moments because the more kids you have, less time you have to keep up. (Trust me). Anyways, take care of yourselves. Miss ya.