Tuesday, July 03, 2007

attempts at family pictures

Today was a much better day. Raph, Makili and I ran errands this morning, which felt like an accomplishment. Makili was very good. I think he likes the car. He had several periods of wide glassy eyes today and my parents tried hard to get a "family picture." If Raph wouldn't try to eat the baby we might have more luck. I saw Makili cross his eyes today for the first time. He continues to be a very animated pooper. You can hear him launch the storm from across the room and nothing makes him happier than to fill another diaper.


Laurie said...


Just wanted to let you know that I think you are a beautiful and wonderful mom...I wish that I could be there to enjoy some of this time with you and to add to your tears and chaos...but we will look forward to holding you all, including Raph, very soon. Thanks for keeping us updated with you blog...it makes us coo and smile and laugh...what about a pic of the sun god??? Hope the 4th is a good one for you all. Enjoy the fireworks and hope that the diaper hold up!!!!

Kate Winslow and Guy Ambrosino said...

Blayne and Raph-

I finally found your blog--what a beautiful family you are! And what a handsome boy you have made (yes, you did this! Isn't it awe-inspiring??)--enjoy watching him unfold into himself and getting to know him. It's such an amazing trip. The first couple weeks especially are such a whirlwind of extremes: baffling, overwhelming love and wonderment butting up against utter frustration, which then careens into bursting with pride-ness. So treat yourselves gently (and don't discount those crazy post-pregnancy hormones, they cannot be controlled). Keep writing and taking pictures--you will treasure forever what you get down today. I know how annoying it is to hear everyone say how quickly it goes by, but as the proud mama of a now walking, talking 13-month-old with an emerging sense of humor, I have to say, it really does fly by alarmingly. Enjoy every moment.

Lots of love, Kate, Guy and Elio