Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Boy!

Watch out! We're having a boy (or at least the doctor thinks so!) We of course could see very little on the ultrasound, but the doctor thought it was a boy we have to start looking for boy names!


beckarecka said...

How fun! Please post your ideas as they come---I love thinking about baby names, there are just so many good ones!

hippiepotomus said...

We're thinking of using a Hawaiian name since we're leaving. But I'm having a hard time. We peruse the Hawaiian dictionary at Border's. It seems like every word I like means urinal or swelling of the groin. Seriously, I found four words yesterday that mean swelling of the groin! How many words does a culture need for swelling of the groin! Its not like Eskimos and snow!

Hawaiian names are also very poetic! Kana'i means "place in the sea where the water lies smooth and calm like a road." Its hard to find one that word sounds good and the meaning is nice.

I like a lot of other names - Asa, Jack, Eco,

Got any suggestions?

Unknown said...

The name "Kana'i" spelled the way you posted means conquerer. My sons name is Kana'i im born and raised on the big island.