Saturday, October 14, 2006

sleeping in cars (without boys)

I had training in Kona for the last three days. I have officially missed a quarter of the schools days for the first quarter! I heard it through the grape vine that I get a daily stipend of 80 bucs whether I spend it or not. So I think to myself immediately, "I'm sleeping in my car." It's amazing how freaked out people get about sleeping in your car. The truth is I love it. I don't know what it is about sleeping in my car I like so much - maybe it is the river guide in me. I love curling up in my car on a deadend street. Towels stuck in the windshield to block out strong lights. Listening for the first minutes to every sound wondering if someone is coming to tell me to move. Waking up at first light, before all the residents are up. I really do like it.

But noone else I work with or attended training with seemed to think this was wise. Another teacher at training offered me the extra bed in her hotel room and made such a stink about it, I finally accepted. It was a terrible hotel, which I might have excused, if it hadn't have been for the teachers ripping roaring snoring. An hour of laying in the bed waiting, wishing to fall asleep was enough, before I retreated to my comfy rental car. And slept wonderfully, sweetly. Un underrated activity I say.

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