Saturday, September 23, 2006

Our course is set.

For better or worse, our course is set. We have an accepted offer on a house near the ocean in Hawaii. Come what may - lava, tsunami, hurricane, blue skies, friendly gales, friends and family - our course for the moment is set.

We went and biked around the neighborhood at dusk the other night, listened to the croaking of the coqui frogs all around, listened to the waves crashing, sat on the porch and let the wind play with my hair, tickle my eyes. My favorite thing about this house is by far the wind. It is constant and light, coming across 2500 miles of open ocean to kiss me. I can imagine the wind out of some Greek myth, arms outstetched reaching for me in Hawaii, hurling itself along, impatient.

1 comment:

beckarecka said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to hear details and see pictures.