Wednesday, September 13, 2006

about running

So I hate running. I hate running enough that I've created theories about why I'm a bad runner. Want to hear my favorite theory? My theory is that as a child dominant muscles form, based on the kinds of activities you participate in. For example, I spent most of my childhood swimming and feel I could swim for miles, presumably because my muscles had swimming as their major formative force. Other people who spend a lot of time running around and participating in sports have a whole different set of muscles formed. So this of course explains why running is so difficult for me and I hate it so much.

Having said that Raph and I are getting fat, mostly because his cousin Deanna has been cooking for us since we arrived in Hawaii. Quite seriously, I've never had so many different kinds of great food - Vietnemese (which she happens also to be), Mexican, Italian, Thai, Indian. Just thinking about it makes me fatter. So Raph convinced me to start running with him. At 5:00 AM. Ouch, you might be thinking, but in fact that is my favorite part of the running game, getting up for first light, when it is cool and sensitive outside.

Today was our third day. I'm only running half a mile, but my God it feels like an eternity. Then I walk that same distance or more back. And I have to say it feels good. I am energized for the whole morning, in a way that my cherished cup of coffee doesn't even afford. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kind of liked it today. Hopefully it will last at least as long as this blog.

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