Sunday, August 20, 2006

The worst bug yet!

So I've lived in Hawaii before. I am familiar with the giant roaches, the even bigger cane spiders (We had friends who after finding and then losing a cane spider in their house, pitched a tent on top of their bed, they were so afraid of the thing.) Last week I even had a gigantic cane toad thrown into my classroom in the middle of class. Talk about disruptions. So yeah, I'm prepared for those little critters. But not the centipede! I've had nights of nothing but nightmares about this guy. Scampering into my bed and stinging/biting me. Unfortunately, I think that the only thing that will cure my fear, is to actually get stung. Maybe it will happen soon so I can resume sleeping.

1 comment:

beckarecka said...

Oh my god, you are right! ! It does look like the binding! And for the record, I'd probably pitch a tent, too.